If the bell rings, we will hear it

Performance tour and research project

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A research and performance project, If the bell rings we will hear it, in 2016-17 with Samuel Rodgers.

Funded by the Arts Council-funded, this project looks into the reciprocity between materials, environment, and audience in live improvised performance; how these elements feed into one another to create a contingent experience in the here and now that cannot be prescribed beforehand; and in exploring ways in which we can share this experience with audiences. We will perform with prepared flute, field recordings, and an array of objects and handmade instruments.

Project partners and venues include Nottingham Contemporary, Music Department at the University of Nottingham, Extra Sonic Practice (University of Lincoln), Sonophilia Festival, SARU, Oxford Brookes, Oxford Improvisers, Soundfjord

We've completed our live events now and expect to release a project CD in autumn this year. 

For more information, you can visit our collaboration site, http://rebeccalee.samuelrodgers.info